Star Trek Armada

A real-time strategy game published in 2000 by Activision. The game's look and feel is based primarily on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and features a. Directed by Trey Watkins. With Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, Denise Crosby, J.G. You play the various rival nations of the Star Trek universe in a real time space strategy game. Or indeed that Star Trek: Armada had to be an entertaining and bugless game, more's the shame. The real telling point is that if it wasn't for the Star Trek licence, Armada probably wouldn't have even made it to market. As it stands, Star Trek: Armada does, as David Finn states, feel like a rushed product. In fact, it feels like the production.

Category: Maps

Star Trek Armada 3 is a mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion created by ST Armada 3 Dev Group. It transports the game into Star Trek universe, offering new factions, ships, units and technologies, as well as numerous heavy gameplay changes. The mod begins around the time of the Dominion war the mod will progress on it's own branching timeline. A map of the Star Trek Fleet Command galaxy and all it's resources ready for plundering! A discord bot to help you plan the perfect raid, hunt that pesky rogue or dominate the galaxy!

2 Player
Files: 69

3 Player
Files: 15

4 Player
Files: 129

5 Player
Files: 9

6 Player
Files: 80

7 Player
Files: 12

8 Player
Files: 72

Map Packs
Files: 50

Mini-War Maps
Files: 14

Mission Maps
Files: 10

Files: 11

Star Trek Armada Download Full

Advanced Tactical fusion cube 1.2

This battle takes place in side a advanced tactical fusion cube. there is 4 binary matrixs.

DR_Chaotica 2008-04-17 95.31 KB 782 Comments: 4

This is a map, of which is suppose to represent the Badlands. I've no idea on how many players it is (the author forgot to mention).

Unknown / Anonymous 2007-06-22 66.07 KB 807 Comments: 2

Whilst no screenshot of the map, this does look like a very detailed and fun map to play in. More can be found in the ReadMe.

Ramrod the Destroyer 2006-12-01 84.15 KB 1,175 Comments: 1

Polluted Ice and Unholy Water for FleetOps ONLY

Ice.bzn is one of my favorite maps I made. This map hightens your use of strategy on various levels.

Omega_Mod_God 2010-01-18 109.59 KB 543 Comments: 2

Supernova for FleetOps ONLY

New map! It was made for 3vs3 but can be played anyway you want. Each player gets 4 moons and enough room for a huge base.

Sklarz 2010-05-09 86.20 KB 575 Comments: 0

As this says, its an 8 player assualt map. There are nebula across the centre of the map and I seriously doubt your going to get any ships through.

Shea Huffman 2006-06-19 46.81 KB 733 Comments: 0

Following last month's Force Commander disappointment (at least in terms of what it could have been), it was always going to be interesting to see if a Star Trek RTS could fare any better. The answer is both yes and no, although to be fair both games are quite different. FC is a land-based 3D RTS, while Armada is more like Command & Conquer in space. And this is where we encounter the first problem, because there is something just wrong about space vessels moving around a 2D plane. Homeworld might have hurt a lot of people's brains with its fully 3D galactic beauty, but it was a massive achievement that makes Armada look very limited and simple by comparison. But when you're a simple and limited person like me, this is not necessarily a bad thing.


Story Glory

Armada is very much a story driven game, with the strategic and resource management side of things kept as light as possible. This could have been a big problem, except for the fact that the story is so damn good. In fact, it's better than some of the film efforts from recent years, and works like a string of exceptionally good episodes.

The main plot revolves, as so many of the best Trekkie ones do, around the Borg. A ship comes back in time to warn the Enterprise of an imminent Borg invasion, which in another timeline has been successful and reduced the Alpha Quadrant to an assimilated Borg outpost. The Klingons become involved, complicating things with an internal struggle for power, as do the Romulans (led by Tasha Yar's daughter) with their deceitful self-interested tactics.

Star Trek Armada 23

What is so good is the way the narrative unfolds through the missions, and how these are structured around scripted moments.There are four campaigns (Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Borg) which you can play in any order, although you'd be stupid to spoil the plot by doing so (if you want to try out all the races straight away, go for the excellent skirmish mode). It's tempting to reveal too much, but we will say this; towards the end of the game you can lead a Borg invasion of Earth.And this isn't the only highly interesting mission - you can look forward to beaming a Romulan spy onto a Klingon prison facility from a cloaked ship, assimilating a Dominion cloning centre, so you can clone Locutus, using the Enterprise to... but we're already giving too much away.

Star Trek Armada

An Armada Leg

With all this variety of missions you might think there'd be no base-building but, while the game does go easy on the resource management side of things, it is still an essential part of the game.No matter which race you're controlling you have three resources: Dilithium, crew and officers. While the strategy is quite simple, there are a couple of things that add more depth to the gameplay. You need to use the space terrain (nebulas, ion storms, black holes and worm holes) to your advantage and research special weapons and features for your ships (anti-matter mines, commando teams, shield disruptors and tractor beams). You can also take over enemy vessels by destroying their shields and beaming soldiers aboard.

In spite of this, things can get repetitive and boring and it's hard to forget that a 20 space map just doesn't work. The engine-rendered 30 cut-scenes give an idea of what could have been if it had gone the Homeworld way rather than stupidly blocking off bits of the map with asteroids and covering unscanned areas of space with an ugly grey mass.

You can zoom right into the action (there's even a cinematic camera mode), but, as usual, this is useless in the heat of battle.It's also not the most stable of games. And, while the presentation is good, it does have a certain unfinished quality and a few crashing bugs that are very hard to forgive. This is yet another missed opportunity to make something truly great out of a guaranteed-hit licence.