Yume Nikki Map

The Neon World is a one of the 12 original locations accessible directly from the Nexus. It is a large, labyrinthine world that is composed of a series of small, brighty-colored rooms and wide open spaces. It is easy to get lost in the looping map where you can lose your sense of position.Unlike other worlds that are sparsely populated, colorful neon-like NPCs (including many Neon Statues in. The Neon World is a one of the 12 original locations accessible directly from the Nexus. It is a large, labyrinthine world that is composed of a series of small, brighty-colored rooms and wide open spaces. It is easy to get lost in the looping map where you can lose your sense of position.Unlike other worlds that are sparsely populated, colorful neon-like NPCs (including many Neon Statues in.

  1. Yume Nikki Forest Map
  2. Darkness World Yume Nikki Map
We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!
< Proto:Yume Nikki‎ | Version 0.06(Redirected from Proto:Yume Nikki/Main Maps)

This is a sub-page of Proto:Yume Nikki/Version 0.06.

Most of the maps around Madotsuki's room and the Nexus are the same as they were in v0.04, but there have been a few changes since then.

  • 2Map Differences

Comparison of Map Names

Since v0.04, only the map used for NASU has been added to this set. The names of the maps are unchanged from their counterparts in v0.04, with the exception of the two debug maps.

v0.04 (Japanese)v0.04 (Translated)v0.06 (Japanese)v0.06 (Translated)v0.10 (Japanese)v0.10 (Translated)Notes
テストマップ2Test Map 2テストマップ1Test Map 1テストマップ1Test Map 1Main Debug Map. Has been relabeled as the first test map.
階段Stairsテストマップ2Test Map 2N/AN/AStairs Debug Map. Now under Test Map 1's folder.
ゲームスタートGame StartゲームスタートGame StartゲームスタートGame Start
現実「部屋Real 'Room現実「部屋Real 'Room現実の部屋Real RoomMadotsuki's Room in the real world.
ベランダAVeranda AベランダAVeranda AベランダVerandaMadotsuki's Balcony.
ベランダBVeranda BベランダBVeranda BN/AN/A
夢「部屋Dream 'Room夢「部屋Dream 'Room夢の部屋Dream RoomMadotsuki's room in the real world.
夢ベランダADream Veranda A夢ベランダADream Veranda A夢ベランダADream Veranda AMadotsuki's balcony in the dream world.
夢ベランダBDream Veranda B夢ベランダBDream Veranda B夢ベランダBDream Veranda B
扉部屋Door Room扉部屋Door Room扉部屋Door RoomThe Nexus.
1かえる1Frog1かえる1Frog■01かえる■01FrogForest World.
2帽子マフ2HatMuff2帽子マフ2HatMuff■02帽子マフ■02HatMuffBlock World.
3かさ3Umbrella3かさ3Umbrella■03かさ■03UmbrellaPuddle World.
4包丁(BG未)4Kitchen Knife (No BG yet)4包丁(BG未)4Kitchen Knife (No BG yet)■04包丁■04Kitchen KnifeDark World.
5雪女5Yuki Onna5雪女5Yuki Onna■05雪女■05Yuki OnnaSnow World.
6髪型(BG未)6Hair style (No BG yet)6髪型(BG未)6Hair style (No BG yet)■06髪型■06Hair StyleMural World.
7自転車(BG未7Bicycle (No BG yet7自転車(BG未7Bicycle (No BG yet■07自転車■07BicycleGraffiti World.
8目玉腕8Medamaude8目玉腕8Medamaude■08目玉腕■08MedamaudeEyeball World.
9小人/太る9Midget/Fat9小人/太る9Midget/Fat■09小人■09MidgetCandle World.
10猫耳10Cat Ears10猫耳10Cat Ears■10猫耳■10Cat EarsShield-Folk World.
11ネオン(BG未)11Neon (No BG yet)11ネオン(BG未)11Neon (No BG yet)■11ネオン■11NeonNeon World.
12電燈(BG未)12Lamp (No BG yet)12電燈(BG未)12Lamp (No BG yet)■12電燈■12LampThis is still Lamp World in v0.06. Number World would not be added until sometime between v0.07 and v0.09.
N/AN/Aファミゲー1Fami Game 1ファミゲー1Fami Game 1NASU.

Map Differences

Madotsuki's Room

  • The game console is now in front of Madotsuki's TV in the real world, and NASU can be played.
  • The TV can now be turned on in both the real world and dream world.
  • The image displayed on the TV in the dream world is different. This image also exists in v0.10 on the same sprite sheet.
  • The desk chair in the dream world now behaves more similarly to v0.10, where it does not ask if you want to stop riding.
  • The KALIMBA TV Channel event did not exist yet.

The Nexus

  • The background is now the same color as in v0.10.
  • Since all 24 effects are in the game now, the effect eggs in the center have been re-arranged a bit.
v0.04v0.06 - v0.10

Block World

  • The removed event is in v0.06 too, but the music is now Block World's at a 50% tempo.

Candle World

  • Two gates instead of one: The pink gate takes you to The Docks, and the purple gate leads to Hell.
    • v0.09 replaced the pink gate with the Walking Candles.
  • The NPC that provides the Midget effect now makes two different noises, but one of them has a higher pitch than in v0.10.

Neon World

  • The neon monkey floor patterns have been added.
  • The starting positions of the neon creatures have been rearranged.
  • The map is still in the same style as v0.04.
Retrieved from 'https://tcrf.net/index.php?title=Proto:Yume_Nikki/Version_0.06/Main_Maps&oldid=733517'
We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!
Block World
Yume Nikki

Developer: Kikiyama
Publishers: Kikiyama (2004), AGM PLAYISM (2012/2018)
Platform: Windows
Released internationally: July 11, 2012 (Playism), January 10, 2018 (Steam)
Released in JP: June 26, 2004, February 10, 2012 (Playism)

This game has unused areas.
This game has unused code.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused abilities.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has debugging material.
This game has revisional differences.

This game has a notes page
This game has a prototype article
This game has a bugs page
This game has a prerelease article

Yume Nikki ('Dream Diary') is the story of a young girl named Madotsuki who has very strange dreams. The game is a wide-open world, with no main goal besides collecting all the Effects.

The game launched under v0.00, being updated numerous times until v0.10 was released as the final content update on October 1, 2007. This page covers v0.10(a), while the prototype article details the earlier versions that have been recovered.

Note: Due to many characters and locations lacking proper names, this article primarily uses the commonly-accepted fan names provided by the Yume Nikki Wiki for the sake of familiarity, unless referring to specific files.

  • 3Unused Effect Sprites
  • 4Unused Areas
  • 5Unused Panoramas
  • 6Unused Pictures
  • 7Unused Audio
  • 10Debug Functions
  • 11Unused Code
    • 11.1Broom Chip Substitute
  • 12Revisional Differences
    • 12.3Steam version

Sub Pages

Prototype Info
Prerelease Info

Unused CharSet Graphics
Leftover object and character tiles from older versions, or completely unused.
Unused ChipSet Graphics
Map tiles that are never utilized.

Default Assets

In the Steam and English Playism versions, all the default graphics, sounds, and music assets from RPG Maker 2003 remain in the game's files, unused.

Unused Effect Sprites

There are some sprites for more Effects in the game, as well as additional sprites for some existing Effects.


This unused Effect has Madotsuki wear a blindfold. The 8-bit wake-up pinch sprites were overwritten by the Spirit Headband effect with invisibility active, but can be found in v0.09.


A mugshot exists for when Madotsuki is riding the desk chair, but even with the various chair-related glitches, it can never be seen. Perhaps at one point, being able to open the menu while seated in the chair was intentional, and not a bug.


Also unused are some moving sprites for when Madotsuki is sitting still in the chair, which may have been the original animation for scooting around in it. Only the first frame of each direction is used in this state, though each of the unused frames are duplicates that are shifted over.

(Source: mike309)

Crick in the Neck

This isn't really an Effect; it's a random condition that may happen when you get out of your bed. All you're able to do when you have it is sit down and go back to bed. If you go back to bed, when you wake up again you're back to normal. But...

There are 8-bit sprites for it! This indicates it may have been intended to be an Effect at some point.


In the mini-Hell accessible from the Number World, there's a ghost of you that's always facing you and never moves. It looks the same as you, but grey and transparent. Just an NPC, right?

Nope, this mugshot indicates there was supposed to be a Greyscale Effect at some point, or that you would become grey when in the White Desert. The fact there's no 8-bit version of this Effect supports that theory. Adding on to this, v0.09 has wake-up pinch sprites for Greyscale Madotsuki.

Traffic Light

There are graphics for an unused state of the Traffic Light Effect with both lights off. FC World sprites also exist for this state.


This unused Effect met the same fate as the Blindfold effect. The mugshot for it is found in each of the currently available versions, but the actual sprites of it have only been found in v0.04 (although even then they aren't used). The triangle on it suggests it was what originally happened when using the Spirit Headband effect.


Duplicates of the Witch Effect sprites without shadows exist, but are never used. They were probably intended for flying over an area with no visible ground, or for the Witch's Flight event, which ended up using pictures instead.

(Source: mike309)

Unused Areas

FC World C

This unused right half of the map, dubbed FC World C by fans, is inaccessible by normal means. No events are programmed in this area, though Kikiyama did have something in mind for this area at one point.

FC World Peninsula

Map0153 is an unused FC World map with a hand motif on the ground and a few statues. No events are programmed in this map, so you cannot exit. It resembles the initial locations in FC World A and B that you are teleported to from the Teleport Maze and the Barracks Settlement, respectively. An unused event in v0.09 sends you here, and the exit leads to the northernmost point of FC World C.

Unused Panoramas

Neon World

The only unused background in the game, internally known as ネオン背景.xyz ('Neon Background'). Curiously, with the debug party member (see below) equipped, this background appears in Neon World, although it is not symmetrical and therefore does not look as intended.

Unused Pictures

3-Line Message Window

A message window that allows three lines of text. There is never an opportunity to use this window in v0.10, but it might have been used in v0.05, the first version to add borders for messages.

Unused Audio


A plop sound can be found in the Sound folder under the name ピコッ.WAV. This is a leftover from v0.04, where it was used when you received juice from the vending machines.

Unused Sound Triggers

This sound plays if you noclip to interact with the creature that rarely appears in the pond on the Witch's Island. It is used for when you stab the big Goblin,[1], and sped-up when interacting with an NPC in the Neon World,[2] although it is missing from some English versions.[3]

Thumbs.db Images

Cached within the Thumbs.db files are a few earlier versions of existing images, as well as some that were cut from the final game. Unfortunately, due to the nature of compression within Thumbs.db files, the quality and resolution of these files are very low.

ImageJapanese FilenameTranslated FilenameFolder LocationDate ModifiedNotes
イベント_004.pngEvent_004CharSet5/10/2004 (08:04:48 UTC)This iteration of the CharSet can be found in older versions of the game.
  • The only difference is how the stairs are pieced together.
イベント_006q.pngEvent_006qCharSet5/19/2007 (13:12:02 UTC)This CharSet is almost the same as the used variant, except for some strange white artifacts around the elevator door.
イベント_015.pngEvent_015CharSet8/21/2005 (10:47:30 UTC)This iteration of the CharSet can be found in v0.09.
  • The only difference is that the shorter traffic cone is missing.
主人公_007.pngProtagonist_007CharSet9/9/2007 (06:13:38 UTC)An earlier version of the CharSet that the shadowless Witch Effect sprites are found on.
  • Each of the Witch Effect sprites are facing right, suggesting that Kikiyama may have tried using CharSet graphics instead of pictures for the Witch's Flight event at one point.
FC_01.pngFC_01ChipSet9/8/2007 (11:40:04 UTC)An earlier version of FC World's ChipSet.
  • Several additional tiles can be found on the right side.
    • Some kind of triangular flowerbed(?) is on the image twice.
    • One of the flowerbeds has a flight of stairs(?) connected to it.
    • Beneath the two unused trees is a dark green rectangle.
    • Some lines resembling a diagonal fence exist in the image.
  • The Aztec walls from v0.09 are still present, as is the tiny unused tree found in v0.09.
FC_02.pngFC_02ChipSet9/3/2007 (14:20:42 UTC)A second ChipSet for FC World, which does not exist in any version of the game found thus far.
  • The left side is a direct copy from FC_01.
  • The upper right corner is almost a direct copy from FC_01, but half of one of the FC Dungeon walls is missing.
  • In the middle the fence-like object is present, alongside the tree found outside the FC House.
  • A broken up version of the flowerbed exists alongside the flight of stairs.
ネオンk.pngNeon kChipSet7/18/2007 (23:25:02 UTC)An earlier version of Neon World's ChipSet.
  • Number World tiles are in the image for some reason.
  • The neon creatures seem to be all accounted for, but are arranged differently.
    • There might be one or two additional creatures in the middle of the image, but the blurriness makes their appearance ambiguous.
  • It looks like only one of Neon World's walls have been implemented (in the upper right).
コピー ~ ネオンk.pngCopy ~ Neon kChipSet7/18/2007 (23:25:02 UTC)An exact copy of ネオンk, right down to the date modified.
地下道.pngSubterranean TunnelChipSet12/17/2006 (07:21:12 UTC)A completely cut ChipSet that, as the name suggests, resembles an underground area.
  • Tiles for a passageway are in the middle, somewhat similar to the outside area of the Sewers.
  • Cube-like containers appear in the image, which also bear resemblance to the same kind of object found in the Sewers.
  • The walls (or possibly tiles you walk on) are on the upper part of the image, as well as on the right side.
汎用_01.pngGeneral-Purpose_01ChipSet5/24/2007 (10:37:24 UTC)An earlier version version of a ChipSet used for several maps, including Dark World, Candle World, the Staircase of Hands, and the first part of the Underground World.
  • The arms from the Staircase of Hands are completely missing.
  • The stairs from the Staircase of Hands seem to have a more curved appearance.
    • There are also fewer tiles for the stairs.
  • Next to the stairs are three branches that were removed from the game.
  • There appear to be some additional floor/lower wall tiles for the Underground World.
  • The unused cords are in a different location.
階段.pngStairsChipSet4/28/2004 (12:57:20 UTC)The only remnant of the Stairs Debug Map found in v0.04 and v0.06. v0.09 was the last version to keep the ChipSet image in its files, though the map is nowhere to be found in that version.

Debug Functions

Debug Room

Download Madotsuki's Room - Debug Room Warp

The Debug Room is accessible through two methods: rename the file Map0001.lmu to the name of another map, such as Map0003.lmu (Madotsuki's room in the real world), or set an event that goes to the debug room in RPG Maker 2003.

The various objects in the room all do different things:

  • The Mirror gives you the Fatten Effect. The mirror was used in older versions of Yume Nikki for obtaining this Effect. Garbage text may display if playing the English version due to the string being untranslated. Under normal circumstances, it should show up as '★ふとる★'.
  • The Neon Creature plays a sound effect and stops the music, if any is playing. It acts like a typical NPC in game, reacting as you would expect from the Cat, Kitchen Knife, and Traffic Light Effects.
  • The FC World equivalent to Witch Madotsuki plays the 8-bit version of the Effect sound.
  • Nekoin (the cat coin) gives you all of the Effects and warps you to White Desert B. If you already have the Effects, you will get duplicates.
  • Flying 8-bit Witch Madotsuki starts the Witch's Flight event, but you can't move.
  • The chair in the top-right corner lets you save, but you won't be able to get out of the chair. Sometimes, the Witch's Flight event plays at the same time.
  • Going directly to the left of the traffic cone warps you to Mars-san, but you are put in a place where you cannot move. Waking up is possible if you were already in the dream world prior to entering the debug room.

Debug Party Member

Another party member can be added to your party, but this never happens in-game. It's nameless and there are no sprites associated with it, but having it in your party causes several scripts in the game to change:

  • All sane and insane Toriningen disappear. The Toriningen Party and the nice lunatic in The Mall are not removed.
  • The top-left cupboard in the Guillotine Room will disappear. If you stand on its former tile and press the action button, you'll end up in front of one of the eight cupboards in Number World. If you enter the world again, the cupboard will have returned to its rightful spot. This works in the bigger version of the Guillotine Room, too.
  • If you wake up, you will be unable to move. You can still open your menu.
  • In the Neon World, an unused background scrolls by (mentioned above).
(Source: Yume Nikki Wiki)

Test Play Mode

When running the game through RPG Maker 2003, various debugging tools are usable during gameplay. These can also be enabled by creating a shortcut to RPG_RT.exe in the game's folder, and appending 'TestPlay' (with quotes) to the end of the command.

  • Holding CTRL while moving will allow no-clipping.
  • Pressing F9 will bring up a menu where you can toggle switches and modify variables.

Unused Code

Some maps have events that are not set to be triggered by regular means, nor by the debug party member.

Broom Chip Substitute

The following three events are remnants from v0.09, which had a more inefficient method for playing the floating sound while riding the broom with the Witch Effect. While v0.10 has common events to take care of this, v0.09 had the entire script for enabling the floating sound on nearly every map. Both versions still ultimately accomplish the same thing by swapping out the current tileset to an identical-looking one that plays the floating sound on every tile.

Due to a significant amount of refactoring that occurred between v0.09 and v0.10's development, these events do not function as intended anymore, as all switches and tilesets are assigned to different indexes. The three events below were never updated to accommodate v0.10's method of calling common events.

Neon Tile Path

In the second Neon Tile Path map (Map0038.lmu), an event in the upper left corner of the map titled 【箒チップ替】小1 ([Broom Chip Substitute] Small 1) can be activated by turning on switch 203. This switch is normally used for NASU, but in v0.09, it was used to check if the Witch effect was obtained.

This changes out the tileset used by the map to the one used by Footprint Path A, where the Henkei Shita NPCs are.

  • The map remains mostly the same, but the pyramids are replaced by one of the Henkei Shita's heads.

  • Sitting down with this switch on briefly changes the tileset to Snow World's by toggling switch 223. This switch is used when sitting down in v0.10, but was used for riding the broom in v0.09.

Number World

Switch 203 can also affect one of the rooms in Number World. In the room that leads to the Guillotine Room (Map0030.lmu), there is an event in the upper-left corner titled 【箒チップ替】電燈 ([Broom Chip Substitute] Lamp) that will change the tileset to Forest World's.

Sitting down with this switch on briefly changes the tileset back to Number World's.

Pink Sea

Switch 203 can be used to trigger an event in the Pink Sea (Map0108.lmu) named 【箒チップ替】浅瀬 ([Broom Chip Substitute] Shoal), however, unlike the former two, all it does is turn the whole map black because the tilesets that get called are blank ones that are just used as dividers in the database.

Mars Stairs

This unused event is only found in the unpatched v0.10, and was removed in the Yumesyuusei patch and v0.10a.

At the top of Mars (Map0172.lmu), there is an event found at coordinates (8,11) named 階段←↓ (Stairs left, down) that is set to take Madotsuki to the same location in Mars' undeground area that the hole requiring the Midget Effect would. This proves that the unused tiles of stairs would have been used instead, meaning that the Midget Effect was not originally needed to enter the underground area.

A mock-up image of how the stairs might have been used has been provided. The tile containing the event is directly to the left of Madotsuki. Note: the map's collision normally blocks access to this tile, suggesting that it may have had a different layout at some point.

Revisional Differences

Years after v0.10's release, publishing rights to Yume Nikki were acquired by AGM Playism, providing new distribution platforms for the game. The versions distributed by Playism have minor differences from the original v0.10.

Yumesyuusei Patch

This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Determine how/where the bugs that haven't been added to the Bugs page are triggered:
  • On the new map, half of the screen may appear black.

An optional patch on Kikiyama's site titled Yumesyuusei is available to update v0.10 to fix some bugs present in the initial release. This patch was quickly released after v0.10 on October 6, 2007.

The changelog, while speaking in mostly general terms, states that the following issues were fixed:

特定のマップにてリンクミスがあり、場所移動しようとするとエラーが発生してしまいます。There was a link mistake in a particular map, and an error occurred when moving to a location.
特定のマップにて本来通行できない部分を通行できてしまい、そのまま進めていると操作不能になることがあります。It was possible to go through a part in a specific map that is not supposed to be normally passable, causing it to become inoperable if proceeding as is.
お金の「円」表記が「G」になってしまっています。Currency was displayed as 'G' instead of '' (Yen).
扉部屋以外のところでテンキー5が効いてしまい、エラーが発生することがあります。Number key 5 worked in places other than the Door Room, potentially causing errors.
椅子の上でテンキー1が効いてしまいます。Number key 1 could be used in the chairs.
ミニゲームのボーナスが特定の条件で入らないことがあります。The minigame bonus could not be scored under certain conditions.


After a special wake-up event, the protagonist may become transparent due to the sit-down action being caught, or become inoperable at the time of saving.
  • For this, it was corrected so that operation will return to normal even if the loaded data had the issue.
新規マップにて画面半分が真っ黒になって表示されることがあります。On the new map, half of the screen may appear black.
特定のマップにて箒で浮いても足音が鳴ってしまいます。The footstep sound is heard even if you float with a broom on a certain map.
特定の場所でエフェクトを使用して扉の部屋に戻ると、スクロールが固定されたままになってしまいます。When you return to the Door Room using an effect in a specific place, the scrolling will remain fixed.
特定のマップにてマップチップの表示優先順位がおかしくなっているところがあります。In a certain map, there are places where the display priority of map chips is incorrect.
その他、若干の調整を行った部分があります。Other adjustments have also been made.

See the Bugs page for explanations on these issues.

All future releases of Yume Nikki would be based on v0.10 with this patch applied, including the fan translations and distributions from Playism. Kikiyama did build a version titled '0.10a' that has the Yumesyuusei patch pre-applied, but the download link on their website was never replaced to host v0.10a, leaving its distribution to Playism.

Playism Release

Yume Nikki was added to the Playism distribution platform in Japan on February 10, 2012, followed by an official English localization releasing worldwide on July 11, 2012.

These versions are based on v0.10a, which is v0.10 pre-applied with Kikiyama's Yumesyuusei patch available on their homepage. Manually applying this patch to the original v0.10 does not add '0.10a' to the title screen, though the changelogs included with the Playism releases reveal that Kikiyama built a version that shows '0.10a' on the title screen on October 6, 2007, the same day as Yumesyuusei's release.


Playism's English localization notably mistranslated some of the Effect names, rendering the Severed Head Effect as 'Talking Head' and the Demon/Oni Effect as 'Devil'. It also left the messages for riding the chair and changing the menu scheme untranslated.

Steam version

Yume Nikki debuted on Steam on January 10, 2018, in an effort to help promote the then-upcoming reboot YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY-. It is offered in both Japanese and English, with the former being identical to the previous Playism release.

The initial English version featured on Steam contained mostly the same localization as the Playism release, but suffered from numerous bugs that resulted from renaming the game's files to allow Yume Nikki to function properly without a Japanese system locale. These bugs primarily consisted of crashes from not being able to find a specific file, sounds not playing, sounds not playing at the correct tempo or volume, and tilesets appearing when viewing the menu in FC World with certain Effects equipped. Despite all this, they at least got around to translating the two aforementioned messages they left untranslated last time.

Oddly, the initial release had a second copy of the game contained inside a folder titled DreamDialy: a seemingly in-progress transition from the previous Playism version. It was built with an older iteration of RPG Maker 2003 that lacks the new features offered by the version on Steam, such as options for window scaling. It is overall similar to the initial Steam version, but with a major bug: Most of the music does not play due to the filename changes not being reflected into the maps.

The RPG Maker 2003 splash screen upon starting up the game differs depending on the version being played. The original Enterbrain splash screen is shown in all versions (including DreamDialy) except the English Steam version, where the Kadokawa splash screen is shown instead.


Several patches have been pushed out since the initial release that resolve some (but not all) of the bugs that arose during localization:

January 12, 2018 Update

  • Fixed an error when using the vending machines.
  • Fixed the BGM at the save/load screen.
  • Fixed when using Effects in FC World.
  • Fixed the SE when trying to leave the room.
(Source: Cheru)

January 22, 2018 Update

  • Fixed several sound effect bugs
  • Fixed parts of the text translation

Erroneously-named Effects were corrected to their proper names, and some Effect descriptions were redone:

Initial Effect NamesInitial DescriptionsUpdated Effect NamesUpdated Descriptions
FrogTransform into a frog.FrogTransform into a frog.
UmbrellaUse the umbrellaUmbrellaUse an umbrella.
Hat & ScarfPut on a hat & scarfHat & ScarfDon a hat & scarf.
Snow WomanChange into a Snow WomanSnow WomanMorph into a Snow Woman.
Kitchen KnifeHold the kitchen knife.Kitchen KnifeEquip a kitchen knife.
Eye PalmChange into an Eye Palm.Eye PalmWarp into an Eye Palm.
Get fatYou get fat.FattenBalloon in size.
MidgetShrink in size.MidgetShrink in size.
WhistleHold the whistle.FluteBrandish a flute.
NeonGlow like a neon sign.NeonGlow like a neon sign.
Faceless GhostChange into a faceless ghostFaceless GhostMaterialize as a faceless ghost.
Talking HeadChange into a talking head.Severed HeadBe reduced to a severed head.
TowelWrap yourself in a towel.TowelWrap yourself in a towel.
CatGrow cat-ears and a tail.CatSprout cat-ears and a tail.
LampChange into a lamp.LampChange into a lamp.
BicycleRide a bicycle.BicycleMount a bicycle.
Long HairGrow Long Hair.Long HairGrow long hair.
Poo HairGrow Poo Hair.Poo HairGrow poo hair.
BlondeGrow long blonde hair.BlondeGrow long blonde hair.
Spirit HeadbandPut on the spirit headband.Spirit HeadbandPut on a Spirit Headband.
WitchChange into a witch.WitchBecome a witch incarnate.
DevilChange into a devil girl.OniReconstitute as an oni.
Squish-SquishYour body turns all squishy.Squish-SquishChange into a squishy blob.
Traffic LightChange into a traffic light.Traffic LightChange into a traffic light.
Game InfoSee the game explanation once more.TutorialReview the game's tutorial.

February 23, 2018 Update

Yume Nikki Forest Map

  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial's second image would be transparent, rather than have a black background as it should.
(Source: Cheru)

April 4, 2018 Update

  • Resolved the missing cursor sound.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shield-Folk World tileset would appear when viewing the FC World menu with the Cat Effect equipped.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNmG9d4gEyQ
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JibL1VdmAug
  3. http://archive.uboachan.net/media/res/1.xhtml

Darkness World Yume Nikki Map

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