Thieye App


Make videos and photos as you like with a smartphone or tablet in your hand. No more waiting for viewing and sharing once-in-a-lifetime moments. XiaomiYi -



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Thieye App For Windows

Jun 20, 2018
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Thieye I60 App


Thieye App

Hello All
I just might be the unluckiest T5e owner. I bought this camera on amazon and I enjoyed it like 5 minutes because the LCD screen went black and that is it. So I wrote an email to ThiEYE support. Well lucky me... I got a replacement camera after a month - only camera and nothing else. Well I started testing it with 64GB Samsung evo+ SD card and here is another problem...
The camera works fine and it recorded few rather good movies in good light. I tried a few settings and they seem to work. So I installed ThieEYE app. Unlucky for me after I start recording over wifi with ThiEYE app (later I tried Wimius CAM app), camera automatically stops recording (1080p EIS on).
I tried to change firmware and it did not help. Also I tried contact ThiEYE support but they just ignore me for the last 3 days.

Any ideas what is going on?
I got confirmation from ThiEYE support that there is a bug in most important mode -.-