Rethinking The Color Line

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Rethinking the Color Line: Larger Issues of Races and Racism Reflected By Romance 1727 Words 7 Pages. Rethinking the Color Line: Readings and Ethnicity Question No.2 Part A: Larger Issues of Races and Racism Reflected By Romance After going through the literature given in Gallagher's compilation related to racism and romance, one can easily understand the shift observed in racist attitude. Rethinking the color line: readings in race and ethnicity / edited by Charles A. 2007 Access conditions apply. Rethinking the color line: readings in race and ethnicity / edited by Charles A. Gallagher, La Salle University. 2019 Not available online. Rethinking the Color Line Welcome to the Instructor Teaching Site This site is intended to enhance your use of Rethinking the Color Line by Charles A. The materials on this site are geared toward increasing your effectiveness and maximizing the potential for your students to learn.

Rethinking The Color Line Summary


Rethinking The Color Line 5th Ed

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Gallagher Rethinking The Color Line

Rethinking the Color Line: Readings and Ethnicity
Question No.1: Defining Race: Comparative Perspectives
a) Hypodescent Status:
This term refers to the assignment of individuals belonging to mixed race or ethnic groups to subordinate groups. This ideology usually exists in a society where certain groups are considered to be dominant or superior to the others. According to the view of F. James Davis in 'Defining Race: Comparative perspectives', hypodescent status refers to the social position of the mix breeds of white and black.
The very concept of hypodescent status is based on 'one-drop rule'. The theory presents an idea that whosoever has a single drop of a black man's blood in him is a black man himself. This makes every individual who has one of his parents as 'black' or either is considered to have any trace of African descent, a hypodescent. The term has been coined by anthropologists and refers to hypodescents as members of subordinate groups in the society. It is important to note that one-drop rule strictly refers to having a black ancestry. And, black people are the ones who bear any black African lineage, not the ones from unmixed population from Sub-Saharan Africa (Gallagher 54).
It is important to note that the concept of hypodescents only exists in United States, not in any other part of the world and is used to refer to American blacks only, which makes this term and the one-drop rule, rather unique.. In fact, definitions of who is black vary quite