Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning

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Put out phrasal verb meaning in malayalam Separable Phrasal Verbs The object may come after the following phrasal verbs or it may separate the two parts:You have to do this paint job over. You have to do over this paint job. When the object of the following phrasal verbs is a pronoun, the two parts of the phrasal verb must be separated: You. Phrasal verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive. Transitive phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable. Some intransitive phrasal verbs (the verb doesn’t take a direct object) can also be transitive (the verb does take a direct object) if the meaning changes (yes, phrasal verbs can have several meanings). Learn meaning and Use of Phrasal verb'get'. Watch few tips to train your kids to speak English before going to school.

Phrasal Verbs

A phrasal verb is a multi-word verb made up of a main verb and at least one preposition or a particle that changes the meaning of the verb from the original verb.

Easy Examples of Phrasal Verbs

  • to break in
  • (The main verb is 'to break.' The preposition is 'in.' The phrasal verb is to 'break in,' which has a different meaning to 'to break.')
  • to catch up
  • to blow up
  • to break down
  • to cut back
Most phrasal verbs are two words, but three-word ones are also common:
  • to put up with
  • to go out with
  • to check up on
  • to cut down on
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Real-Life Examples of Phrasal Verbs

In these examples, the phrasal verbs are shaded.
  • Damn your principles! Stick to your party. (Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli)
  • When people find out you're an actress, they Google you. (Actress Laverne Cox)
  • Meditation helps me to calm down. (Singer Lady Gaga)
  • Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I'd do it more if I could get away with it. (Comedian David Sedaris)
A phrasal verb is also known as multi-word verbPhrasal or a compound verb.

There Are Transitive and Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam MeaningSome phrasal verbs are transitive (i.e., they can take a direct object), and some phrasal verbs are intransitive (i.e., do not take a direct object).
Here are some examples of transitive phrasal verbs. (The direct objects are in bold.)
  • Fill inthe form as quickly as possible.
  • Did you go overthose reports last night?
  • I will look intoit immediately.
  • I felt compelled to handthe pursein .
  • (Note: Some phrasal verbs are separable. There is more on this below.)
Here are some examples of intransitive phrasal verbs. (The phrasal verbs are still, but there are no direct objects of course. That's the whole point.)
  • If you're unhappy, please stand up .
  • The lorry is starting to drop back.
  • The tree could fall down.
  • Do not give in.
Some phrasal verbs can be transitive or intransitive depending on their meaning. For example:
  • She will show up soon.
  • (This is intransitive. It means 'She will appear soon.')
  • She will show up the opposition.
  • (This is transitive. It means 'She will embarrass the opposition.')

There Are Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs

Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable. This means the direct object appears between the verb and the preposition. For example:
  • I will makeyouup to look like a princess.
  • She talkedher fatherinto letting her attend the party.
Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. This means the direct object appears after the preposition. For example:
  • She looks up toher sister.
  • You must stick tothe plan at all costs.
Lots of transitive phrasal verbs can be used in a separable way or an inseparable way. For example:
  • He lookedmy addressup on the National Voter Register.
  • (This is the separable way.)
  • He looked upmy address on the National Voter Register.
  • (This is the inseparable way.)
Here's a quirk: When the direct object is a pronoun (like it), you cannot use the inseparable way. For example:
  • He looked upit on the National Voter Register.
  • He lookeditup on the National Voter Register.
  • (That's crazy. Anyway, good luck explaining that if you're an English teacher!)

Is the Accompanying Word a Particle or a Preposition?

A phrasal verb is made up of a verb and an accompanying word (or words). The accompanying word (or words) is classified as either a preposition or a particle. ('Particle' just means 'nothing in particular.' The particles in phrasal verbs are often classified as adverbs, but this description is widely contested...and with good reason. The particle of a phrasal verb doesn't tell us how, when, where, or why the action of the verb is being carried out. It changes the verb's meaning. That doesn't sound very adverb-like.)
When the accompanying word introduces a prepositional phrase, it is classified as a preposition. If it does not, it is classified as a particle. For example:
  • She takes after her mother.
  • (In this example, the prepositional phrase is after her mother. The word after is a preposition.)
  • Please think it over.
  • (In this example, the word over does not introduce a prepositional phrase. Therefore, it is a particle as opposed to a preposition.)
  • I can stand in for you next week.
  • (In this example, the word in is a particle but the word for is a preposition as it introduces the prepositional phrase for you.)
Read more about prepositional phrases.

Why Should I Care about Phrasal Verbs?

There are three good reasons to avoid phrasal verbs and two good reasons to embrace them.

(Reason to Avoid 1) Phrasal verbs sound informal.

Phrasal verbs tend to derive from our Germanic heritage. As the Germanic elements in our language stem from the language of the common people, phrasal verbs are usually easy on the ear and easily understandable for native English speakers. That's all good. The downsides, however, are that phrasal verbs can seem informal and they eat up your wordcount. Therefore, in business and academic writing, there is a leaning towards the one-word Latinate verbs, i.e., those which derive from our French heritage. Latinate verbs sound more formal because they stem from the language of our aristocracy.

List Of Phrasal Verbs

  • We'll all get together in the foyer. (okay, if a little informal)
  • We will congregate in the foyer. (preferable in a formal email)
  • We've put the meeting off until Tuesday. (okay, if a little informal)
  • The meeting is postponed until Tuesday. (preferable in a formal email)

(Reason to Avoid 2) Some phrasal verbs eat up your wordcount unnecessarily.

The merit of Germanic over Latinate words is up for debate, but some phrasal verbs include prepositions or particles that don't add anything. Delete them.Phrasal Verbs List With Malayalam Meaning
  • I cannot face up to this problem. (okay)
  • I cannot face this problem. (better, more succinct)
  • Try this new garlic dip out. (okay)
  • Try this new garlic dip. (better, more succinct)
  • She will not stand for shoddy work. (okay)
  • She will not stand shoddy work. (better, more succinct)
If the phrasal verb sounds better, go with it.
  • Even I don't wake up looking like Cindy Crawford. (Model Cindy Crawford)
  • (It is possible to use wake without up, but it doesn't sound as natural.)

(Reason to Avoid 3) A phrasal verb often sticks a preposition at the end of your sentence.

Yeah, it doesn't matter how many times we're told that it's okay to end a sentence in a preposition. There are still wads of people out there - as evidenced by our poll - who think it isn't okay. So, for now, if you can easily avoid ending a sentence in a preposition, you might as well. For one, it's safer, and, two, it's usually more succinct. Think of it as a game, not a rule.
  • It is a situation I will not put up with. (okay)
  • It is a situation I will not tolerate. (safer and more succinct)
  • Can you sort it out? (okay)
  • Can you resolve it? (safer and more succinct)

(Reason to Embrace 1) A phrasal verb might better fit your image.

When choosing words for business correspondence, you must consider the character of your business. For example, auditors like KPMG might write 'Terms and Conditions of the Contract,' while Virgin Media might write 'The stuff you need to know.' You must know your 'writing voice.' If you're a formal bunch, you should probably steer clear of phrasal verbs, but if you're a down-with-the-kids outfit, phrasal verbs and other simplistic vocabulary will be a better fit.
  • We would not expect you to tolerate a second-rate service. (corporate)
  • Don't put up with bad service. (engaging)

(Reason to Embrace 2) Phrasal verbs are easily understood.

Phrasal verbs are often much clearer than Latinate verbs.
  • The framework is required to concatenate the disparate elements.
  • (This might sound business-like, but there's a risk it won't be understood.)
  • The framework is required to join up each element.
  • (This is much clearer and safer.)
Often, the clarity and naturalness afforded by a phrasal verb is worth the informality.

Key Points

  • Phrasal verbs sound natural, and they're easily understood. However, they can sound too informal for business or academic writing. Strike the balance you need.
  • Sometimes, the preposition that accompanies the main verb in a phrasal verb is unnecessary. If it doesn't add anything, delete it.
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100 Most Common Phrasal Verbs List With Meaning In Malayalam

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Get Up Meaning Phrasal Verb

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See Also

Get up meaning phrasal verb

Phrasal Verbs List Meanings

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